Here are some of the best strategies you can use right now for your home business that can build your businesses momentum.
Be honest with yourself.
Do you believe that you just don’t have the time to get your home business up and running?
Trust me gentle reader, you are not alone.
Seems like everyone claims they have way too much to do and not enough time to do it.
They end up stopping themselves and their business loses any momentum it had.
Some excuses may include:
- Full time jobs.
- Family obligations.
- Time spent exercising.
- Long commute and rush hour blues.
- Add your own excuses here for not staying focused on your business.
As a working person, it might seem that you are catering to every one else’s needs and obligations.
Here’s the good news, you can find and maximize time to focus on your home business.
All you need is to find time and commit to use that time for your home business only.
Strategies You Can Use Right Now
Document Your Daily Routine.
To begin you will need to find a quiet place and write down your schedule.
List the start and end time on events such as:
- Getting ready for work.
- Driving your kids to school.
- Your commute time to your day job.
- Gym time and other weekly commitments.
- Be sure to include weekends and family time (this is most important).
You should have a good visual of what your typical week looks like on paper.
If you were honest with yourself, you should see openings in your week.
Let’s make this easy, can you find an hour to commit daily on your business? You should be able to re-prioritize some time.
Stick with the Schedule You Created and Re-Evaluate.
OK, now it’s time to stick with your schedule. This can be hard in the beginning because you are creating a new habit.
Once your new routine is established, think about re-evaluating. You may be able to create more time to spend on your home business.
Your new schedule means you need to discipline yourself for it to work. These are some of the strategies you can use right now.
Try to find some time before or after work, before or after exercising, after dinner or after putting the kids to bed.
Don’t Forget Your Family.
Family time comes first for me and after that, I find the late evening hours before bed time is best for me to spend on my home business. It really is the most quiet part of the day.
With family at home, set a time limit that you can spend working your business. This will provide balance for you.
Embrace The Distractions.
Life will mess up your schedule.
Try your best to handle it instead of fighting it. If your child is sick, focus on helping your child feel better, calm them down and go to sleep.
Don’t worry about what you could be doing, the work will still be there when you are ready.
If the boss needs you to stay late at your job, then commit and stay late.
Remember to focus on one thing at a time. You’ll be more efficient and effective.
Having a clear and guilt free mind while working on your business is most productive.
As you come across ideas or distractions while you are working, write it down.
You can always pursue those thoughts later. This way is best when dealing with distractions instead of fighting them.
You have to get creative when it comes to finding time to work on your business.
Don’t stress out or get frustrated.
Strategies You Can Use Right Now
Realize that you have total control of your time and you can even change your habits.
FYI, I wrote this blog post while having my coffee, OJ with cereal and toast at my desk.