Is affiliate marketing possible for you? Well, I do affiliate marketing part time, and I can say that yes, affiliate marketing is real and works for me.
Then why is it that a lot of people who try affiliate marketing are unable to make money?
Well gentle reader, let me explain why this does not work for everyone.
Guns N’ Roses sang it best: All we need is just a little patience.
Many people start affiliate marketing without seeing any commissions in the first few days and assume that affiliate marketing does not work.
Unfortunately for those people who quit, they believed the HYPE below.
That’s what happens when you believe these hypey pictures you find in some Facebook Groups, no wonder they quit after a few days.
The biggest problem why new affiliate marketers quit is that they are learning from, well, new affiliate marketers!
There are many online courses and training programs out there made by affiliate marketers for new affiliate marketers.
So, why is this a problem?
Because most affiliate marketers are only interested in making money by selling people like you their training courses.
In order to make a sale, they lure you in through hypey promises that simply cannot be fulfilled.
Honestly, whoever tells you that “this is easy” or a “quick way to make money online” is lying to you.
Sure, there are a few people who made money in the first 30 days of business, but this is extremely rare. It took me months!
Now, as time goes on, it’s taking longer and longer to make money online.
If you’re interested in getting started with Internet marketing the right way.
I strongly suggest you start RIGHT NOW.
With that said, it’s really unfortunate that so many people don’t have the patience to put in the work when they first get started.