When you promote something that your prospects will get the most value from, you are already ahead of the majority of affiliate marketers.
You should always put your customers interests above your own and NOT a product or service which you think will make you the most money.
Let me ask you a question.
If you knew without a doubt that you could sell something and make a huge commission, but you know the product is worthless, would you still promote it?
The answer should be NO.
Sure, you can make money up front, but people won’t respect or trust you anymore and probably request a refund.
When you promote GOOD products and place other people’s interests ahead of your own…
you’ll earn the trust and respect of people who will always consider your recommendations.
So how hard is it to earn their trust?
- You offer a bribe to get the prospect to click on your link.
- Then you bring the value to convince them to opt-in to your email list.
- You deliver more value based emails linking to videos, posts and your sale page.
- More value based emails will have calls to action linking to your sales page.
When you use this “template” you’re building the know, like and trust factor.
Right off the bat, you educated someone enough to got them to subscribe to your email list.
They know and like the value you bring and are devouring your content.
Over the course of a few days, you have become a trusted advisor.
Not someone who simply emails you a sentence with their affiliate link and hope it works.
For example, let’s say you’re using email marketing as your main traffic source for an offer you’re promoting as an affiliate.
Your email list subscribers are placing their trust in you to provide answers to them that are helpful.
You do this by providing tips, advice, current strategies and relevant information that you believe will help them.
You certainly never want to offer products to your subscribers that aren’t relevant to your audience.
If you can point people in the direction of a product or service that can genuinely help them…
one that they will find useful/interesting/relevant, then you’re setting yourself up for success.
Promote something that your prospects will get the most value from.
Becoming a trusted advisor doesn’t mean buying and reviewing every relevant product out there.
The perfect scenario is a program or service that you are currently using and decide to promote it.
Another scenario you might choose is to take an educated gamble on a relevant product.
You buy a product, like it and think that your list will like it too, so you decide to promote it.
Remember that you have spent your valuable time and effort to build your list with subscribers that are like minded and are working towards their own goals.
If the sales page was persuasive enough to make you buy it, then other people might see it too.